Bidhash Sanaa
"Bidhash Sanaa" is a television segment representing one of the external artistic productions of Roya TV channel. This segment addresses topics related to the maintenance and repair of household items in general. The program aims to provide viewers with tips and guidance on how to maintain household appliances and furniture and perform simple repairs on their own. The segment focuses on teaching viewers basic maintenance skills and simple techniques to fix common problems they may encounter in their daily lives. This is achieved through practical examples of maintaining household appliances and improving furniture, contributing to saving time and money needed for the sustainability of the functionality and appearance of household items. Through the segment, the content may include illustrative video clips, reviews of tools and materials necessary for maintenance operations, along with general advice to ensure the safety of viewers during their repair tasks. This type of program is beneficial for viewers looking to enhance their skills in home maintenance and engage with content presented in an understandable and motivating manner.